
Ecclesiastes: A Quest for Meaning: Ecclesiastes Simply Explained is unavailable, but you can change that!

The latest addition to the Welwyn Commentary series has leading Old Testament scholar and series editor John D. Currid bring a fresh approach to a book that seems to draw a lot of comment of the the wrong kind. In his Introduction he says: There is no book in the Old Testament that is as maligned and criticized as the book of Ecclesiastes. People point to the teachings of vanity, scepticism, and...

The ESV translation begins verse 14 by quoting the Preacher as saying, ‘I perceived.’ That verb in Hebrew is the very basic verb that means ‘to know.’ Solomon is announcing that he ‘knows’ something. This is not him saying that he thinks or he guesses or he speculates. No, he claims that he knows something certain about reality. He has been on a quest and here is an important part of the solution. What is it that he knows? He demonstrates a solid belief in the sovereignty of
Pages 60–61